Resources and reports
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Grow as an Artist
Explore our the resources that our team uses on a regular basis.
Springboard for the Arts
Springboard for the Arts is an economic and community development organization for artists and by artists. Springboard for the Arts’ mission is to cultivate vibrant communities by connecting artists with the skills, information, and services they need to make a living and a life.
Buy Native Directory
Include your name and website in this free statewide Native Business directory that is continuously updated to include new listings.
Minnesota State Arts Board
Programs and grants for artists of all types to grow your career as an artist.
First Peoples Fund
Honoring and supporting Native Artists and Culture Bearers for over 25 years.
McKnight Artist Fellowships
McKnight Artist Fellowships increase the exploratory opportunity, economic stability, and productive capacity of artists by providing $25,000 in unrestricted support for midcareer artists and discipline-specific artistic and professional development opportunities.
The Native Craft Artist Resource Library is intended to be a valuable tool for Native American artists who are interested in developing their careers.
IACA know the Law Brochure
The Indian Arts and Crafts Act is a truth-in-marketing
law that prohibits misrepresentation in the
marketing of Indian art and craftwork within the
United States.
Native American Artist-in-Residence Program
The Native American Artist-in-Residence (NAAIR) Program, led by the Native American Initiatives Department, was established in 2013 to support the continuation and recovery of traditional Native American arts by utilizing the Minnesota Historical Society’s collections.
Native Arts and Cultures Foundation Directory
A new tool for artists and organizations to find and compare residency programs.
Business of Art
A comprehensive archive pertaining to the practical side of artmaking “The Business of Art” created by NYFA staff.
A Community-Engaged Art Workbook
This workbook provides hands-on tools, advice, frameworks and techniques to help artists, community members
and organizers plan, begin, complete and evaluate a community-engaged art
Work of Art:
Business Skills for Artists
Springboard’s Work of Art: Business Skills for Artists is a professional development curriculum designed to teach business skills to artists in all disciplines
Makers United:
Native + Indigenous Artisans
Makers United works with Native and Indigenous makers, artists, and creative entrepreneurs across the US to overcome the barriers they face to accessing the resources needed to expand their craft businesses.
Two-Spirit Artist Entrepreneur Business Grants and Resources
Learn about a range of business funding and resources available for LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs, highlighting their importance in creating a more equitable entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Explore reports that Inform our decisions.
ArtPlace Field Scan
Building Community Wealth: The Role of Arts and Culture in
Equitable Economic Development
First People’s Fund
Investing in the Indigenous Arts Ecology
Ford Foundation
Native Arts and Culture: Research, Growth, and Opportunities for
Philanthropic Support
Art as an Economic Engine in
Native Communities
Through this position paper, First Peoples Fund and Artspace make the case for art
as a driver of economy and show successful efforts to embrace the arts as a critical component of creating sustainable and vibrant communities.